Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Tool 11 Self-Assessing and Reflecting

Well, I have finally arrived at Tool 11!  Yay!  This has been a great journey of new learning!

My favorite tools are Wordle, Voice Thread, and Animoto.  I had only tried one of them before 11 Tools.  I plan to use Wordle as I work with a small group of students in math.  I think this will be a wonderful tool that could be used a a pre-assessment tool for students to share vocabulary that they know relates to a certain math topic.  I love that two students can be working with the same tool, but typing in vocabulary on 2 different topics depending on their IEPs.  For example, one student can type in words related to addition while another student types in words related to place value.  Then we can revisit the Wordle and make a new one after doing further instruction and practice so that students can see growth in what they have learned.  I'm excited about using Voice Thread for one of my students in particular.  He is working on retelling stories by drawing the events and telling about them.  We will be able to upload his own pictures, and then have him narrate them!

My eyes have been opened to many possibilities that I was not aware of in the tech world.  I have enjoyed trying out different tools and am planning to go back and work on some of them more this summer in order to become more skilled.  I have especially appreciated being able to look at other teacher's blogs in order to see the ideas they have come up with.  One of the hardest things for me has been trying to figure out how to apply some of these tools in a meaningful way in my classroom, especially because I don't directly teach science and social studies, and don't teach a whole class.  Other teachers' ideas have helped spark my imagination on how to implement some of the tools.  In addition, comments in other teachers' blogs have helped me when I got stuck with how to embed something into my blog, or when I was trying to decide what tool to investigate.  I look forward to continue learning from my peers by revisiting their blogs.  I think this project has provided an easy way for us to collaborate on technology that was not present before.  After also attending a staff development session about using the iPod Touch, I am now feeling more comfortable with how I can make use of them in my classroom.  I think the challenge will be working out a good way for the Resource department to share the 4 devices we will have because I imagine that we are all going to be excited about the possibilities!  I know that our students are often more tuned in when they get to use technology.  I definitely want to practice using the iPod Touch and find some great apps this summer!

I was surprised that this was easier than I was expecting.  With all of the unfamiliar lingo like Web 2.0 tools, Google docs, and PLN, etc., I felt very overwhelmed when I started.  I was so thankful for Arlene's support and guidance and the camaraderie of some peers who met and worked through some of these tools in May.  I was so thankful for the posts of these peers, so I am surprised at how short some people's posts are.  I really got a lot out of the longer posts where teachers explained in detail what they did and how they were going to use tools!  Thanks to you!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on a job well done. Your students will benefit from the learning you experienced this summer. Now, go and enjoy the rest of your summer.
